Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy Tampa Florida

Physical Medicine Center Serving Tampa, Florida - Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy

PRP… Is it the Fountain of Youth Locked inside Your Own Cells?

PRP or Platelet activation plays a key role in the process of wound and soft tissue healing. The use of platelet rich plasma (PRP), a portion of the patient’s own blood can be used to promote healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints, but it can also be used for thinning hair or loss of hair in males and females, acne and acne scars and to rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck and hands. Over the next few month’s articles, I will be exploring these various treatments now offered at Physical Medicine Center and how you may be able to benefit from your body’s own rejuvenating powers

The theory behind PRP is using the body’s own ability to heal itself to a whole host of injuries. The philosophy is to merge cutting edge technology with the body’s natural ability to heal itself. In the last 20 years we have learned that when platelets are activated in the body, they release healing proteins called growth factors. There are many growth factors with varying responsibilities; however the combination of many of them accelerates tissue and wound healing.

In the past few years, the use of autologous blood treatments to facilitate healing and regeneration has increased because of the increased knowledge of the specific growth factors that platelets release. For two decades, the use of autologous platelet rich plasma has been used safely and effectively throughout many medical fields including orthopedics, sports medicine, dentistry, ENT, neurosurgery, ophthalmology, urology, and would healing, cosmetic, cardiothoracic, and maxillofacial surgery.

Want more hair on your head…PRP therapy is a proactive therapeutic option for male and female patients experiencing hair loss. PRP is an exciting non-surgical therapeutic option for patients who require stimulation of hair growth for hair loss conditions. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a cutting-edge procedure that is revolutionizing the field of medicine. PRP therapy is a new treatment that relieves pain and promotes long lasting healing of musculoskeletal conditions. PRP Therapy uses components of the body’s own blood cells to formulate a customized “cocktail” that stimulates the natural healing process

The body’s first response to any soft tissue injury is to deliver platelet cells. Filled with healing and growth factors, platelets jump start the repair process and attract the essential aid of stem cells. PRP therapy’s natural healing process magnifies the body’s efforts by delivering a higher concentration of platelets through a simple injection

PRP therapy is associated with reduction in pain and faster healing, and has lower risks and lower costs than surgery.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is a rapidly emerging technique that is showing exciting potential, particularly with joints such as the knee, shoulders, hips and elbows as well as feet and ankles. It works remarkably well in soft tissue injuries such as to tendons and ligaments. It has a myriad of other uses, erectile dysfunction, cosmetic uses such as, thinning hair, hair loss or facial rejuvenation.

A main benefit of PRP Therapy is that it provides pain relief and healing and can eliminate the need for surgery and prolonged recovery. It may also be used as a treatment for some people that are not candidates for surgery. PRP Therapy is a low-risk minimally invasive procedure. It uses the body’s own cells and natural biological healing process. The concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) that is injected into and around the point of injury, this jump-start and significantly strengthens the body’s natural healing process. Recovery with PRP therapy is often much faster than with surgery. Because your own blood is used, there is minimal risk of a transmitting infection and no risk of allergic reaction.

PRP Injections are performed during a relatively short office procedure. To complete PRP therapy, a sample of your blood is drawn (similar to a lab test sample) and the blood is then spun at high speeds, separating the platelets from the other components. The concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) is then injected into and around the point of injury. No stitches are necessary since just a needle was used.

The procedure takes under an hour, including preparation and recovery time. Performed safely in the office, PRP therapy relieves pain without the risks of surgery, general anesthesia, or hospital stays and without a prolonged recovery. In fact, most people return to their jobs or usual activities right after the procedure.

Our protocol; three injections may be given over a 3-month time frame, usually performed three to four weeks apart. You may, however, gain considerable to complete relief after the first or second injection. PRP, works to re-collateralize or re-grow damaged tissue, improve blood flow and nerve flow to an area to normal function. It has been used to help the healing and function of an injured or arthritic joint. Ask us about Ozone Therapy or Stem Cell injections which may be used in some circumstances to further assist the healing process.

The goal of PRP therapy is to resolve pain through healing. Initial improvement may be seen within days to a few weeks, gradually increasing as the healing progresses. Studies have shown PRP therapy to be effective at relieving pain and returning patients to their normal activities and daily lives. Both ultrasound and MRI images have shown definitive tissue repair after PRP therapy, confirming the healing process. The need for surgery can also be greatly reduced by treating injured tissues before the damage progresses and the condition is irreversible.

Recent News

Recent news headlines have featured the amazing results that professional athletes have experienced with PRP Therapy. Pro football players Hines Ward and Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers received PRP Therapy after injuries that should have side-lined them for months, but they returned to play in a matter of weeks, winning the Super Bowl. Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Takashi Saito received PRP Therapy for an elbow condition and returned to play in just a few months, versus up to 14 months that recovery from surgery would have taken. Unprecedented results have also been reported for other professional soccer, baseball, and football players. While PRP Therapy is just beginning to become mainstream news, it actually has been around for quite some time.

Although PRP Therapy may sound relatively new to the public, it has been used for more than 20 years. PRP Therapy has been used to promote healing following jaw reconstruction for patients with cancer. Its use has expanded to other medical specialties, including cardiovascular surgery, sports medicine, urology, cosmetic surgery, and ophthalmology. These studies show that recovery time is quicker and the risks are lower with PRP Therapy. Researchers are now focused on its use in musculoskeletal injuries.

For a consultation regarding PRP treatment please contact Physical Medicine Center 14522 University Point Place Tampa, FL 33613


Human blood contains mesenchymal stem cells and autologous blood products that contain essential and specific growth factors that assist in tissue regeneration and healing. Published medical literature from Europe and the United States confirms the safety and use of PRP therapy. In the field of hair restoration, existing evidence demonstrates PRP therapy as a promising treatment option to promote hair growth.


Blood is drawn in our office as though you are having routine blood testing at your primary care physician’s office. The blood is spun in a centrifuge and the PRP is separated and removed from the rest of the blood.

The PRP is taken from your body and is specially prepared by spinning down the blood cells to a high concentration. Under a topical anesthesia, a special micro needling roller device is used to stimulate the dermis of the scalp. This micro needling stimulation causes microtrauma to the dermis that induces other healing and growth repair cells into action. The highly concentrated platelet rich plasma (PRP) is then injected into the scalp and topically.

The PRP contains many growth factors that stimulate the hair follicle’s growth. PRP can be used preoperatively, intraoperatively, or post operatively. Some patient’s chose to have PRP performed every three (3) to four (4) months as early data suggests regular or semiannual PRP treatments can stimulate hair growth.


PRP contains special cells called Platelets, that can cause growth of the hair follicles by theoretically stimulating the stem cells located in the Dermal Papilla as well as other structures of the hair follicle These special Platelet cells promotes healing, accelerates the rate and degree of tissue healing and regeneration, response of the body to injury, and formation of new cellular growth. The primary purpose of using PRP in hair restoration is to stimulate inactive hair follicles into an active growth phase.

Inside the Platelets are many intracellular structures such as glycogen, lysosomes and alpha granules. These granules within the PRP contain clotting and growth factors that are eventually released during the healing and repair process.


While individual results vary and no guarantees of success can be made, preliminary studies indicate many patients respond to PRP therapy. PRP is an emerging non surgical therapy for natural stimulation for thinning hair.


Patients with history of heavy smoking, drug or alcohol abuse. Medical diagnoses such as platelet dysfunction syndromes, thrombocytopenias, hypofibrinogenaemia, hemodynamic instability, sepsis, acute and chronic Infections, chronic liver disease, anti-coagulation therapy, chronic skin diseases or cancer, metabolic and systemic disorders.


PRP has been used successfully in other medical and surgical disciplines for many years. The decision to use PRP is a personal decision. PRP is safe and natural because the procedure concentrates the good cells from your own body directly back into the area where it is needed. There is absolutely no chance of getting a blood infection from another human being. PRP involves using your own cells and it will not be rejected by your immune system.
Clinical trials are ongoing. PRP should not be considered a “cure” for hair loss and no       guarantee can be made about its individual effectiveness. No claim of PRP efficacy in promoting hair growth can be made because there is no FDA approval that would allow such claims to be made.


Absolutely. In fact, we encourage it and prescribe PRP therapy as a compliment to a nonsurgical approach for those patients who are not eligible for surgery or who want to delay hair restoration surgery. As a non-surgical treatment option, we recommend PRP therapy along with Formula 82M a special minoxodil and DHT blockers or for those patients who cannot tolerate or have side effects with these medications.


In summary, PRP therapy offers a promising alternative for natural hair growth for those patients who are not candidates for surgery. It also is a beneficial therapy for a whole host of aesthetic and physical medicine injuries. Whether you are looking for additional hair stimulation, or are looking to keep what hair you have healthier and more vibrant the addition of PRP may be able to meet your needs. Although results will vary from patient to patients, PRP as a non-surgical option offers patients with miniaturization and hair thinning improvement in hair caliber and thickness. The physicians here at Physical Medicine Center are trained in the use of PRP as an excellent treatment modality. Do you wonder if PRP can help you with your injuries, hair loss or anti-aging goals contact us at (813)328-6917 and arrange a consultation.

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